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Forum > Evropska animacija > Gustav Registriraj se
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Poslano: 19.03.2006 10:43:11 | Citiraj
Prebral sem, da je vseh delov Madžarske risanke Gustav natanko 120. Zanima me ali je pri posameznem delu razvidno za kateri del po vrsti gre?


Poslano: 19.03.2006 16:33:07 | Citiraj
Tole sem nasel na enem forumu (zaporedni seznam epizod prve sezone avtorju ocitno ni znan):
The Gustavus series was started in 1964 (68 episodes in 1964, then another 52 episodes in the 1970s) - an initiative by Attila Dargay, Jozsef Nepp and Marcell Jankovics after an earlier hit by Jozsef Nepp, "Passion" (1961). Gustavus became a familiar character in over seventy countries. This series was the debut for the greater part of the second generation of Hungarian animators, including József Gémes, Tamás Szabó Sípos, Béla Ternovszky and others.

Orig Title: Gusztáv
1964-70s Hungary 18 eps. x 5 min. each


SCRIPT: L. Gyorgy, A. Kristof, Istvan Kovacs, Marcell Jankovics, Jozsef Nepp, Bela Ternovszky and Gy. Varnai
DESIGN: Edit Baksa, Tibor Hernaldi, Ivan Jenkovszky, Miklos Kaim, Istvan Kovacs, Istvan Majoros, Ferenc Rofusz, Ildiko Sz. Szilagyi, Csaba Szorady, Sarolta Toth, Laszlo Ujvary, Janos Uzsak and Maria Zsilli
MUSIC: Tamas Deak and Zsolt Petho
DIRECTION: Istvan Kovacs, Marcell Jankovics, Jozsef Nepp and Bela Ternovszky

- Gustavus and a Long Life
- Gustavus and Alienation
- Gustavus and Bravado
- Gustavus and the Cat-To-Be
- Gustavus and the Fly
- Gustavus' Car
- Gustavus' Inferiority Complex
- Gustavus is a Muff
- Gustavus is Cheating
- Gustavus is Hesitant
- Gustavus is Jealous
- Gustavus is Short
- Gustavus Keeps Putting Off
- Gustavus Particpates in Traffic
- Gustavus the Hunter
- Gustavus the Trespasser
- Gustavus Wants to Marry
- Gustavus Wants to Save Humanity

2.01 Gustavus Invites Guests - Gusztáv vendégeket lát
2.02 Gustavus the Man of Action - Gusztáv a cselekvés embere
2.03 Gustavus in the Supermarket - Gusztáv az ABC-ben
2.04 Gustavus Does Not Forget - Gusztáv nem felejt
2.05 Gustavus Puts Heart and Soul in It - Gusztáv kitesz magáért
2.06 Gustavus the Collector - Gusztáv és a gyûjtõszenvedély
2.07 Gustavus Builds a Holiday Home - Gusztáv nyaralója
2.08 Gustavus on the Staircase - Gusztáv a lépcsõházban
2.09 Gustavus is Self-Sufficient - Gusztáv önellátó
2.10 Gustavus and the Professional Expert - Gusztáv és a szakember
2.11 Gustavus and the Two Coaches - Gusztáv és a két edzõ
2.12 Gustavus the Winner - Gusztáv nyer
2.13 Gustavus Looks for a Job - Gusztáv állást keres
2.14 Gustavus' Snake - Gusztáv kígyója
2.15 Gustavus and the Other Man - Gusztáv és a másik
2.16 Gustavus the Gold Digger - Gusztáv és az aranyásó
2.17 Gustavus is Obstinate - Gusztáv makacs
3.01 Gustavus is Daubind - Gusztav mazol
3.02 Gustavus Knocks Against a Car - Gusztav koccan
3.03 Gustavus Finds a Solution - Gusztav megoldja
3.04 Gustavus Saws - Gusztav fureszel
3.05 Gustavus and the Foundling - Gusztav es a talalt gyerek
3.06 Gustavus' Two Faces - Gusztav ket arca
3.07 Gustavus and the Consequences - Gusztav es a kovetkezmenyek
3.08 Gustavus is Painstaking - Gusztav gondos
3.09 Gustavus has Migraine - Gusztav migrenje
3.10 Gustavus is Impatient - Gusztav turelmetlen
3.11 Gustavus the Gardener - Gusztav a kertjet muveli
3.12 Gustavus and the Leech - Gusztav es a pioca
3.13 Gustavus Interferes - Gusztav kozbelep
3.14 Gustavus Would Like to Read - Gusztav olvasna
3.15 Gustavus and Winter Pleasures - Gusztav es a tel oromei
3.16 Gustavus is Vicious - Gusztav gonoszkodik
4.01 Gustavus and the Public Property - Gusztav es a koztulajdon
4.02 Gustavus +1 Man - Gusztav +1 fo
4.03 Gustavus is Polite - Gusztav udvarias
4.04 Gustavus the Pacifier - Gusztav rendet teremt
4.05 Gustavus is Pessimistic - Gusztav pesszimista
4.06 Gustavus the Fellow Man - Gusztav a tarsasleny

. Uri .


Poslano: 20.03.2006 22:07:28 | Citiraj
Hvala Uri za tvoj post

Za prvo serijo epizod imam podatke kako si sledijo in sicer

1- Gustavus and a cat to be
2- Gustavus is cheating
3- Gustavus interiority complex
4- Gustavus wants to marry
5- Gustavus participates in traffic
6- Gustavus is a muff
7- Gustavus and a fly
8- Gustavus is jelaous
9- Gustavus and alienation
10- Gustavus car
11- Gustavus wants to save humanity
12- Gustavus and a long life
13- Gustavus the trespasser
14- Gustavus the hunter
15- Gustavus is short
16- Gustavus and bravado
17- Gustavus keeps putting off
18- Gustavus is hesitant

Res pa je da konkretno ti podatki niso razvidni iz same risanke.

Odgovor je popravil knopfler - 20.03.2006 22:21:39
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